Attention business owners,
Feeling "burned out" by your business?
Sign up for a free 60-minute Business Breakthrough Session with us today.
For a limited time, we’re offering a free 60-minute Business Breakthrough Session ($195 value) to qualified business owners and organizational leaders.
Here’s what you’ll get in the session. We’ll help you:
- Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate business success” and the perfect lifestyle you’d like your business to provide.
- Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours.
- Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired about achieving your vision
Please read this whole page to see if you qualify before applying for a Breakthrough Session.

Hi! We're Dr. Nita & Josh Matthews-Morgan.
Authors and Creators of the Mindset Mastery Bootcamp Training Program
Why should you talk to us?
We’re Dr. Nita Matthews-Morgan and Josh Matthews-Morgan. We’re the creators of the Mindset Mastery Bootcamp program--a comprehensive peak performance training for entrepreneurs, business owners and organizational leaders.
We’ve worked with business owners of all types and at every stage (from startup to mature companies). And we’ve got a long track record of helping business owners get back their time, their sanity, and their happiness.
You might be thinking you’ve got to work longer hours, or harder to get there. But actually what we show you is the opposite. You can actually work less hours and get more done.
Most importantly, we like to have fun! We’ve done lots of these Breakthrough Sessions, and so far we’ve got a 100% success rate at having a good time with people like you. 🙂
Check out the video below for some of the stories of people we’ve helped:
Why in the heck are we offering to do this?
So, you might be asking yourself: “Why are they offering me a free session?”
Selfishly, we know that a percentage of the people who sit down with us will want to become our coaching clients.
In this session, we’ll help you get clear on your vision and some of the blocks keeping you from achieving it. We just know from experience that some of you will want some extra help getting there faster.
For example, you might want to join one of our Mindset Mastery Bootcamps (MMB). This is a transformational 10-week program designed to help you achieve your vision faster than you imagined possible.
Now, to be clear: if you decide to join one of these MMB coaching groups, it costs $1,495 per person.
If the price scares you a little bit, don’t worry! You’re totally protected by our 30-day “Love It Or Leave It” guarantee. You can try the Bootcamp for the first 4 weeks and if you don’t love it--if you don’t know without a doubt that it will totally transform you and your business--we’ll give you all your money back. You’ll even get to keep the coaching materials and audio program we give you.
So there’s literally no risk to you in chatting with us or signing up for our coaching. In fact, the risk is all on us!
We promise this is NOT a sales pitch in disguise!
Now, this free session is not to sell you anything; it’s an hour where you get our undivided attention. It’s all about you, your goals and what you want to achieve.
You are under no obligation whatsoever to sign up for any coaching services by choosing to meet with us.
Our philosophy with these sessions is to be a valuable resource for everyone we meet--whether we end up working together in any capacity or not truly doesn't matter to us.
We know that not everyone is a good fit to work with us. So we’ll only offer you a chance to be our client if we feel like it’s in everyone’s best interest.
We feel certain that our conversation will be of great value to you. But if at the end you feel like we wasted your time, or you didn’t enjoy the session for any reason, we’ll donate $100 to the non-profit of your choice.
How to qualify for this free session:
- You must be a business owner or the leader of your organization. In other words, you call the shots.
- You must be willing to drive to our office in Athens to meet us in person for this session.
- You must have an open mind and be willing to look at your business from a different perspective.
- You must acknowledge that you are the cause of your results. In other words, success depends on you and nobody else.
Our work has been featured in:

Want More Time and Financial Freedom?
Sign up now for a free 60-minute Business Breakthrough Session and we’ll help you create a vision of your "ultimate business success" and discover the challenges that are keeping you from achieving it.
If appropriate, we’ll also explain how we can work together to help you grow faster.
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