Question about multiple interests? How do you juggle?

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I’m a very creative person and I have so many things I’m passionate about and so many ideas of things I want to do. How do I decide which venture to go with, what things to put my energy behind?

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Posted by Angela Williams (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 30, 2015 3:20 pm
Category: Vision Questions
Private answer

Wow Angela, you’re someone like me! :-)

Here are two things I’ve learned about your question.

One, is that it’s important to build
out the platform for one venture so it’s stable before starting another one. Multi-tasking puts too many challenges on our brains to be able to really focus. Being good at multi-tasking is a myth. Us right-brainers always want to do it though because the right hemisphere always loves excitement and adventure!

The other thing I’ve learned is that my feelings are a good guide for decisions like, what should I do next, what do I do first. Your path is never clearly laid out (another myth), but if you get into a really good feeling place where you are also centered, part of the path will show up. In other words, decisions are easier to make from this place.

Hope this helps!


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Posted by Nita Matthews-Morgan (Questions: 0, Answers: 3)
Answered on February 2, 2015 12:30 pm
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